
Building Africa’s Great Green Wall

Building Africa’s Great Green Wall
Sous-titre : Restoring degraded drylands for stronger and more resilient communities
Type de publication :
Plaquette d'information
Auteur :
Nora Berrahmouni, Lars Laestadius, Antonio Martucci, Danilo Mollicone, Chiara Patriarca and Moctar Sacande.
Année de publication : 2016
Pays : Algérie, Burkina Faso, Mali, Maroc, Mauritanie, Niger, Tchad, Tunisie, Libye, Sahara Occidental, Somalie, Soudan, Sénégal, Égypte, Érythrée
Langue(s) : Anglais

Présentation du document

Restoration needs and opportunities in Africa’s Great Green Wall have been mapped and quantified for the first time with the aim of catalysing action to increase the resilience of people and landscapes to climate change.

Citation: FAO 2016, Building Africa’s Great Green Wall: Restoring degraded drylands for stronger and more resilient communities, 7p

Experts from countries and regional and international partner organizations involved in the implementation and monitoring of the GGW initiative provided comments and inputs on a draft version of the map at the third Africa Drylands Week in Windhoek, Namibia, in August 2016 and at the TerrAfrica meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, in October 2016. Dennis Garrity (ICRAF), Philippe Dardel and Steve Danyo (World Bank) and Jonathan Davies (IUCN) encouraged the work and provided additional comments. Antonio Martucci produced the maps, Alastair Sarre edited the text, and Maria Cappadozzi designed the brochure.

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