
Briefing note on the Great Green Wall accelerator

Type de publication :
Fiche technique
Année de publication : 2021
Pays : Monde
Langue(s) : Anglais
Lien externe : https://

Présentation du document

During the One Planet Summit, hosted by France in January 2021, the President of the French Republic launched a multi-stakeholder Great Green Wall Accelerator, through which several multilateral and bilateral organizations have committed to finance the GGW until 2025 up to 16.2 billion euros.
The accelerator aims to facilitate the coordination and collaboration of donors and stakeholders involved in the initiative. But also, to monitor and measure the impact of their actions. The accelerator will be coordinated by the Pan African Agency for the Great Green Wall (PAAGGW), with initial support from the UNCCD.
To inform civil society organizations and all actors involved in the GGW initiative about this accelerator, the NGO CARI has contacted the team established within the UNCCD to gather initial information.

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