
6 questions to Monique Barbut on the Great Green Wall

Type de publication :
Plaquette d'information
Année de publication : 2011
Pays : Algérie, Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritanie, Niger, Tchad, Tunisie, Bénin, Cap-Vert, Djibouti, Gambie, Libye, Somalie, Soudan, Sénégal, Égypte, Éthiopie
Langue(s) : Anglais

Présentation du document

This brochure explains the fondation and the objectives of the Great Green Wall in Sahel by some questions to Monique Barbut. She was appointed by the United Nations Secretary-General as the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), starting 1 October 2013.

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